Дорогие гости моего блога, если вам понравились мои работки и вы хотите разместить их на одном из своих любимых сайтов, то просьба не перезаливать, а давать прямую ссылку на источник на мой Блог или же давать мои ссылки на скачивание .
Dear visitors and users of the site, if you liked my creations and you want to put them somewhere else, please do not re-upload my works and give a link to my blog.
Hi :) i love your Downloads. They are beautiful! But I'm a little bit confused by your Terms of Uses. Is it ok so put your creations in my houses und uploud them to a Forum? Of course it is no Pay Side and not the Exchange and i would give credit to your side :D
ОтветитьУдалитьWater Hack Burns 2 lb of Fat OVERNIGHT
ОтветитьУдалитьWell over 160,000 men and women are losing weight with a easy and secret "liquid hack" to drop 1-2 lbs each night in their sleep.
It's easy and it works all the time.
Here's how you can do it yourself:
1) Go grab a clear glass and fill it half full
2) And then use this crazy hack
and become 1-2 lbs lighter the very next day!