Дорогие гости моего блога, если вам понравились мои работки и вы хотите разместить их на одном из своих любимых сайтов, то просьба не перезаливать, а давать прямую ссылку на источник на мой Блог или же давать мои ссылки на скачивание .

Dear visitors and users of the site, if you liked my creations and you want to put them somewhere else, please do not re-upload my works and give a link to my blog.

суббота, 18 августа 2012 г.

Premium office set

3 комментария:

  1. can you please stop using Deposit Files and Turbobit to upload your stuff? It's really really annoying and non user friendly most of the times. Especially frustrating because you have a lot of great CC on your site.

  2. I agree with Anonymous. I absolutely love your stuff but I can't use Depsoit Files or Turbobit. I sign up and they don't work for me.
    I assure you you would have so many more downloaders if you changed to MediaFire.
    Thanks though :)
